September 28, 2019
Coupeville Stormwater Park
Inspired by the urban design and water quality projects represented in the Waterfront Case Studies booklet as part of the Waterfront Stormwater Solutions research, the GFL designed multi-functional stormwater treatment systems that collect, clean, cool and recycle stormwater at the end of the pipe before it is released into the Puget Sound. Along with water treatment benefits, the system also provides aesthetic, educational, recreational and habitat value.
The GFL, in partnership with the Town of Coupeville, SvR Design, the Russell Family Foundation, the Bullitt Foundation, WA Department of Ecology and the WA Sea Grant, is constructing a pilot project in the Town of Coupeville to test the capacity for subsurface wetlands to treat stormwater along the waterfront.
This project won an “Excellence on the Waterfront” Student Honor Award for Leslie Batten’s MLA thesis design, advised by Nancy Rottle, and a WASLA Professional Honor Award in the Research, Planning and Analysis category.
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