2016 ASLA Professional Honor Award, Analysis and Planning
Regional Open Space Strategy (R.O.S.S.) for Central Puget Sound

2016 ASLA Student Honor Award, Communication

2014 ASLA Student Honor Award, Communication
Adaptive Streets: Strategies for Transforming the Urban Right-of-Way, by GFL interns Mike Schwindeller and Jordan Lewis

2013 Husky Green Award
Gould Hall Green Wall Team

2012 AIA What Makes It Green Award
Honorable Mention for the UW Biodiversity Green Wall, Edible Green Screen and Water Harvesting System

2012 WASLA Professional Award for Research, Planning and Analysis
Waterfront Stormwater Solutions project

2011 National Waterfront Center Award
Waterfront Stormwater Solutions, Masters Thesis by Leslie Batten, Green Futures Lab project led by Nancy Rottle

2011 WASLA Student Honor Award
Activating Alleys for a Lively City, Seattle Integrated Alley Handbook

2011 Department of Ecology Watershed Protection and Restoration grant
A $495,523 grant to the Waterfront Stormwater Solutions pilot project in the Town of Coupeville. Partners include the Town of Coupeville, Green Futures Lab and SvR Design.

2008 WASLA Student Merit Award
Re-Imagining Seattle Streets: Planting Strips and Street Edge Treatments

2007 ASLA Honor Award for Analysis and Planning
Open Space Seattle 2100