June 25, 2019
Regional Open Space Strategy (ROSS)
The Puget Sound basin is facing significant ecological and economic pressures, which are predicted to be further exacerbated by our rapid population growth and increasing intensity of climate change impacts. These stresses affect water quality and supply, fish, farm and forest production, flood and other environmental hazard vulnerability, economic opportunities and quality of life, and health of the region’s unique biodiversity.
The Central Puget Sound Regional Open Space Strategy (ROSS) has been a critical and time-sensitive effort to stitch together the many activities underway to conserve and enhance open space – from urban to wild—that significantly contribute to the ecological, economic, social, health, recreational and aesthetic vitality of the Central Puget Sound region. With leadership from the UW Green Futures Lab and assistance from the Bullitt Foundation, National Park Service and an esteemed regionally-representative Executive Committee, the aim of this strategic work was to provide tools and to facilitate an alliance between a broad spectrum of agencies and non-profit and private organizations that could work towards a multi-dimensional, stewarded regional open space system for the Central Puget Sound basin.
Through this collaborative work the ROSS team has finalized a strategy for how our region’s leaders, professionals and citizens can work together to conserve and enhance our most valued open space resources. The five-pronged set of final recommendations is described in the Central Puget Sound Open Space Strategy and the ROSS Executive Summary documents, linked below. A video documenting regional needs and opportunities makes a compelling case to enact the Strategy, which is downloadable from Appendix M.
Central Puget Sound Regional Open Space Strategy
ROSS Executive Summary
Appendix A: Scoping Report
Appendix B: Technical Background Report
Appendix C: Preliminary Comprehensive Strategy
Appendix D: Addressing Regional Challenges through Open Space
D1: Synthesis
D2: Climate Change
D3: Biodiversity
D4: Social Equity
D5: Human Health
D6: Economic Development
Appendix E: Open Space Valuation Study for the Central Puget Sound Region
Appendix F: Ecosystem Service Fact Sheets
F1: Ecosystem Service Values Lost from Land Conversion in the Central Puget Sound Region
F2: Ecosystem Services Provided by Pierce County’s Green Y
F3: Return on Natural Capital Investment
F4: Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Build Resilience and Offer Broad Benefit
Appendix G: Conversion to Conservation of Resource Lands
Appendix G: Brochure Conserving Resource Lands in Urbanizing Areas
Appendix H: Puyallup-White Watershed Open Space Strategy (WOSS)
Appendix I: Green/Duwamish Stakeholder Involvement
Appendix J: Snohomish Watershed Open Space Strategy
Appendix K: Regional Governance and Finance Report
Appendix L: Open Space Services Assessment Tool
Central Puget Sound Region Open Space Assessment Tool (OSAT)
Please use the login “OSAT2016” and the password “OSATpass”
Appendix M: Video
The Case for a Regional Open Space Strategy for the Central Puget Sound
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